22 May 2025


Support: Milolaathetlukken

S10 will present her new album ‘Mijn Haren Ruiken Naar Vuur’ to Rotterdam in the Maassilo on Thursday 22 May, 2025. Ticket sales start Friday 24 January at 10AM via Ticketmaster

Since signing her first record deal at the age of 17, S10 has emerged as the crown princess of Dutch alternative pop and conquered many hearts with her personal stories. With packed shows at Lowlands and Down The Rabbit Hole, several major awards and her iconic participation in the Eurovision Song Contest in Italy, 23-year-old Stien den Hollander put herself on the map as one of the most original and authentic voices in the musical landscape.

As a teenager, S10 was a fan of the popular British rock/metal band Bring Me The Horizon. Music with an edge and the heart on the sleeve – characteristics that also characterize S10’s songs. Now, more than ten years later, she was looking for a producer for her new album ‘Mijn Haren Ruiken Naar Vuur’ (my hair smells like fire). Former BMTH band member Jordan Fish turned out to be a fan of her music, the first contact was made and voilà, a musical match was born.

The connection between the two is clearly audible on the album, where the production brings out the best in the music and does full justice to the emotional contrasts in the songs. “It’s about events and changes in my life. About love, about heartbreaks. But ‘Mijn Haren Ruiken Naar Vuur’ is also how we would sound if you turned us inside out. We understand each other very well and you can hear that.”

Her previous work has helped shape the artist and person she is today, but ‘Mijn Haren Smells Like Fire’ is also a whole new page in the story of S10. Without a preconceived plan, the music was given all the time and space to come to life in a natural way. “The album is very pure and thoughtless. We didn’t know what was going to come out and went into it completely open. The result is perhaps the ultimate S10 record.”

This concert is presented to you by Motel Mozaique Concerts & Rotown


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Date 22/05/2025
Location Maassilo Rotterdam
Times Open 19:00 / Start 19:30
Tickets €33,75 incl. fee


Want to know more or do you have questions about the accessibility of this concert? Send us an email with your question at info@motelmozaique.nl.