Here you can find all the info about Stichting Motel Mozaïque, including ANBI status and our team. Feel free to get in touch if you have more questions.
P.O. Box
Stichting Motel Mozaïque
P.O. Box 32
3000 AA Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Schiekade 189 (Schieblock, Unit 404)
3013 BR Rotterdam
Board Members
Irma Benliyan – Secretary
Bjorn Schipper – Treasurer
Stephanie Afrifa
Bente Spigt
Bert de Rooij
Roberto van Gurp
Stichting Motel Mozaïque has the ANBI-status
More info:
ANBI info
Meerjarenbeleidsplan 2021-2024
Meerjarenbeleidsplan 2025-2028
Jaarverslag 2023
Handboek Sociale Veiligheid Motel Mozaïque