Each year MOMO Festival calls for creatives to present their project during MOMO Festival. For the upcoming edition of MOMO Festival, 17-19 April 2025 we are joining forces with the Amarte Foundation. Because of this, we have been able to expand the Open Call process with extended guidance and budget for the selected participants. 


You can apply if you are an emerging artist, creative or maker based in the Netherlands. We welcome applicants working across diverse disciplines and media, ranging from performance, audiovisual installations, music, film, spoken word and anything in between. It can be a solo project or a collective project. We encourage concepts encompassing social aspects and/or community engagement. Whether you’re reimagining an existing work, refining a work-in-progress, or bringing a new idea to life, we invite you to apply. 



  • A showcase of your work during MOMO Festival on April 17-19 April, 2025.
  • A fee of €250 per project selected after the first round to develop a comprehensive proposal.
    * A fee per selected project, ranging between €1000 and €2250.
  • A production budget project up to €600 per project
  • A workshop by industry professionals (TBC) on writing project proposals for open calls, residencies and grants.
  • Guidance by team MOMO.
  • Promotion of your work on Motel Mozaïque and Amarte channels
    * The fee for new projects is €2250. Existing projects and works-in-progress will receive a fee of €1000.Please note: Amarte and the Motel Mozaïque foundation value responsible entrepreneurship. By this we mean that you offer yourself and the artists you work with fair payments, as well as clear agreements and a safe and inclusive working environment. Keep this in mind when submitting your proposal. If you apply for a project with several artists involved, try to assess whether the fee can be divided fairly.


Inspiration Meetups

The application process entails two selection rounds (specifics are explained below). During the first round of the application process, we organise two inspiration meetings (1 online, 1 offline) to offer you an opportunity to get inspired and ask any questions you are curious about. The online inspiration meeting will be on July 19 at 13:00 CEST via Zoom, and the offline inspiration meeting will take place on August 2 at 16:00 CEST pm in our office in Rotterdam. 

Feel free to join in, learn about the theme and get to meet other artists! You can sign up for the inspiration meetings using the form.

Register for our inspiration meetups 


Round 1: first selection, guidance and budget

The first round involves a short application inspired by the theme Inner Worlds. You will be asked to fill out an application form that includes brief questions and a file submission. You can prepare this file in a written (max 500 words), graphic (max 2 pages), or video (max 3 mins) format. Regardless of the format, it should include the following: 

  • A clear and concise description of the concept with its relevance to the theme and festival
  • The setting you envision for your work to take place, including any specific spatial requirements or considerations
  • The intended audience and how you plan to engage them 

Round 2: second selection, further guidance and support trajectory

After the first round, 15 projects will be selected by the selection committee. If your project is one of these selected projects, you will be offered a trajectory by Amarte and Motel Mozaïque including personal and group guidance to develop an extensive proposal and on more general topics to develop as an artist – such as how to get funding for your work. You will also receive a fee of €250 for your participation in this trajectory.  We organise this in collaboration with the Amarte Foundation, with the goal to help artists grow further, regardless of the outcome of the Open Call. This part of the process will help you expand your network and knowledge about the cultural sector and acquiring funding. 

Your final proposal will then advance to a second selection round. After the second round, five participants will proceed to the final selection: four chosen by the selection committee and one selected by the MOMO community through a public vote. These five projects will be included in the official programme of MOMO Festival, 17-19 April 2025. They will also be receiving further guidance, budget and support in the production process of their work. 


The applications will be reviewed and evaluated by a selection committee from MOMO and the Amarte Foundation. The evaluation and selection will be based on artistic quality, relevance to the theme, feasibility, originality, community impact and the creative profile of applicants. 

A total of 5 projects will be part of the final selection. Four of these will be selected by the selection committee, and one will be selected by the MOMO community via public vote. The results of the 15 first applications will be announced mid-September and the final selection will be announced mid-November. 

Getting more and more excited about this? Read on to find out about how to apply!


You can use the application form to submit your concept. You will be asked to fill out some questions and upload a file in the format you feel most comfortable with to explain your concept in the form. 


With support from the Amarte Foundation, we were able to further develop this Open Call. Read more about the Amarte Foundation below.