
!!!, 120 Days, Akron/Family, Amon Tobin, Ann Liv Young, A Silver Mount Zion, Ben Frost, Bunny Rabbit, Camera Obscura, Deerhoof, Digitalism, Goose, Gruff Rhys, Heavy Trash, Jamie T, Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter, Midlake, Mocky, Patrick Wolf, Priestbird, Simian Mobile Disco, Sixto Rodriguez, Skream, The Bees, The Hold Steady, The Moi Non Plus, The Strange Death of Liberal England, Tom Barman, Touki Delphine, Valgeir Sigurdsson, Zita Swoon & vele anderen

Motel Mozaïque 2007 in the press:

Never before has Motel Mozaïque been opened with such a swing as last night in a packed TENT. Logical, because the first presentation at this seventh edition of the Rotterdam arts festival was De Wilde Dansers, who immediately got everyone moving by hopping and drumming. Cultural councilor Kaya had given the official kick-off shortly before, during which he put programmer Harry Hamelink in the spotlight. “His creativity and enthusiasm are the vitamin C, with a capital c for culture, that the city needs.” – A.D.

On Perron Mozaïque, a fantastically decorated, metropolitan location around the unused Hofplein station, Tim spews his fierce criticism of society, politics, Balkenende and Bush in plain Rotterdam dialect. Dozens of people have gathered here in the bright sunshine on a bright purple steel scaffolding that rises high above the overgrown train tracks. Bright graffiti and city girls in neon colors contrast beautifully with the gray of cracked concrete. – NRC.Next

Seventh edition of Motel Mozaïque shows adventurous and accurate programming.
… you could once again be tossed back and forth between groundbreaking pop, exciting visual art and confrontational performances. (Volkskrant) Motel Mozaïque is the ultimate festival for me. The atmosphere is extremely welcoming, there are bands to discover, I am constantly entertained and at night I can dance to electro beats. – Sp!ts

With spread-out locations, it has grown into a vibrant night-time city festival
Motel Mozaïque took hold in Rotterdam this weekend and didn’t let go. With the seventh edition, all the pieces fell into place, as any good mosaic should.  – A.D.