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Interview with Chelsea Moes

Congratulations to Chelsea Moes who recently completed her internship at MOMO and graduated at Willem de Kooning Academy with a study on the subject of Safe Spaces. Over the last months Chelsea conducted her research on our organisation, festival and with festival visitors.

Read the interview below to discover more about Chelsea’s project!

Hi Chelsea, could you tell us about your study? And your research at MOMO?
I am currently studying Leisure & Event management at Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. Over the past 4 years I have learned a lot and gained a broad understanding of the field. In 2021 I followed a minor in Cultural Diversity and I came to the conclusion that I would like to delve deeper into the topics: diversity, inclusivity and culture. While finding a graduation place, these subject were central for me and I found the organisation MOMO. I already knew MOMO from my study, but also through different people. During the period November to May I had been working on the subject Safe Space. A topic that is very topical in the cultural sector. In the research I mainly focused on the visitors of MOMO and how MOMO offers a safe space for the visitors.

What did you find out?
What I mainly found out during the research is that everyone experiences a Safe Space differently and that it is a very broad concept with multiple meanings. By talking to different people about the subject, I gained a very broad insight. The visitors that I spoke with during MOMO festival enjoyed participating in the research. What I found out during the festival is that people sometimes don’t really dare to express themselves, but when you start a conversation about safe spaces, they are more and more aware of it and this leads to more conversations on the subject. For MOMO it was important to see how visitors feel at the festival, what can be improved and what is already working well. A very nice research that has led to great results and conversations.

Is there an advise that you could give cultural organisations like MOMO?
It is important to always keep in touch with the visitors and what their wishes and needs are. It is also important how you as an organisation can offer a safe space for every individual.