Festival 2024


GUT is a durational performance which imagines how humans behave when their bodies are turned inside out. During this experience, spectators come face to face with a man whose intestinal sounds are amplified. His thoughts, actions, communications, movements and feelings are all determined by these visceral noises. In fact, the guthuman can not move nor think without his gut sounds. The more active his guts get, the more vitality he shows. This performative world draws attention to the thin boundary between life and death, conscious reasoning and the subconscious gut, resulting in a visceral and absurd experience.

Visitors are invited to walk in and out of this durational performance.

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Festival 2024


Festival and tickets

Performance dates

Saturday 20 April 2024
15.30 - 17.00
19.00 – 20.30


Theater Rotterdam, Schouwburgplein