Today the new album by Polish composer Hania Rani was released! Listen to Ghosts via your favorite streaming service, or go to directly to the Spotify player below.

And immediately secure your tickets for her show in Rotterdam’s Maassilo, on October 29, 2023.

Americana and folk music singer-songwriter, artist and writer Josh Ritter is one of the most thoughtful and prolific voices of our time. His career started twenty years ago with the breakthrough album Hello Starling (2003).

During a special tour, Josh Ritter & the Royal City Band celebrate the 20th anniversary of this album, by playing it in its entirety live, and much more!

Listen to Hello Starling via Spotify below and immediately get your tickets for the concert on October 31, 2023 in LantarenVenster.

Have you listened to Corinne Bailey Rae’s new album yet? The British singer-songwriter has taken a completely different path on her new record Black Rainbows than how we know her until now.

Rae deviates from the beaten track more idiosyncratically, louder and rawer than ever. She is uncompromising, opts for hard and heavy, in addition to punk there are electronic and jazzy avant-garde explorations in unfiltered light. Because of its experimentation, Black Rainbows is a record to explore for a long time. And there are also softer ‘hooks’, such as the intoxicating ‘Put It Down’.” – NRC

Listen to Black Rainbows via Spotify below and quickly secure your tickets for her concert on November 9, 2023 in Rotterdam’s LantarenVenster via Ticketmaster!

Looking back at a successful edition of MOMO Fabrique Festival! This was also the last Fabrique edition. M4h is an area in transformation, and as it develops further, we have decided to focus on our own development with a focus on MOMO Festival, MOMO Create (talent development), and MOMO Concerts. 

We would like to thank all visitors, partners, artists & performers, creatives & entrepreneurs and the MOMO team for 10 editions of celebrating the M4H area

Throughout the years we explored many exclusive locations of the M4H and teamed up with the communities and the organisations of the area.
The first edition took place at Verolme YVC Bolnes: a gigantic area full of harbour buildings and warehouses in which ships were built. At the time the site was in transformation: lands were purchased by cooperatives, with the intention of building houses there. All companies had already left, but due to the financial crisis, construction did not kick off and warehouses and buildings have been rented out again to maritime companies, shipbuilders, education centres and artists.
Over there one slipway had not been in use for 40 years: instead of ships being repaired, trees and bushes were growing there now!

I called Spinvis to ask if he wanted to perform there, eight times, during guided tours. The singer-songwriter immediately said yes, on one condition: MOMO had to arrange a table, a chair, an old typewriter and a bottle of white wine.
On 2 September 2013, Spinvis indeed played 8 times. Each time for a different group of visitors. Two songs at a time. Unexpected surprises made the performances even more special: because of the tide, the artist started at the bottom of the slope and had to move one step higher every time, until he was playing with his feet in the Maas water.
The second magical moment was when the enormous doors of the warehouse opened right behind our audience on the quay and a huge yacht under construction was lifted out.
Spinvis sitting on that deserted slipway between the trees, a yacht for a wealthy billionaire hanging in the air, the sounds of Spinvis and our audience on the quay…. MOMO Fabrique at its finest!
– Harry Hamelink

In the following years we experimented with more surprising locations: Rats on Rafts performed on Het Val van De Hef, Michelle Samba in Katoenveem, and then we hosted many shows in the sculpture garden of Brutus (ex AVL Mundo): Winne, Colin Benders, Pink Oculus, Animistic Beliefs and many more.
In 2019 Triggerfinger set up a spectacular show in the Onderzeebootloods while we started our collaboration with the new hotspot in town, Weelde, with a sold-out concert by Typhoon.

The corona proof edition of MOMO Fabrique 2020 at Brutus was the only festival in Rotterdam that summer with S10, Yin Yin and Meetsysteem. The new format, due to the pandemic restrictions, allowed us to cultivate our sustainability goals and host our first plastic free events.
The last two editions, in 2022 in 2023, saw a renewed format with a dinner event in the Voedseltuin and a focus on electronic music, inspired by the nightlife locations of the area like Weelde, Keilecafé and BIT. With this message, we want to celebrate the M4H one more time and acknowledge all the artists, organisations and cooperatives who inspired and supported us. Thank you!

Amenti is going on tour! Through West-African myths, the cast of NOM.NOS (‘name us’) will take you on a journey in a search for their original names. All of them, being of West African Diaspora, currently carrying the names of their previous colonisers. Their history wiped, their wisdom taken – but remembered when they know where to look. Amenti Theatre Company premiered NOM.NOS during the last MOMO Festival edition in April. Check out the tour dates below.

Through dance, puppetry, ritual, and oral stories, the cast connects with their ancestors, their invisible lifeline to the Mother Continent, their roots, and the safety and familiarity of the soul. Finding their original names is a tool for them to connect with their ancestors, who seem so far away.
Gil The Gride took inspiration from his roots, tracked back from Cabo Verde to Mali and Senegal, and the origins of the other cast members as well as they all originally come from different countries in West Africa.

Similarities between cultures and belief systems are found, and myths are used as portals to the past and future. NOM.NOS – which can either mean ‘Name Us’ or ‘Our Name’ is a story about the importance of knowing one’s past to shape the future.

Nom.Nos Tour Dates:

20 September -Theater Zuidplein
27 September – Stadsschouwburg Utrecht
05 October – Maaspodium / Afrovibes (Deconstructed)
13 October – Korzo
14 October – Theater Meervaart
27 October – Theater Rotterdam
28 October – Theater Rotterdam
03 November – Felix Meritus
26 April 2024 – Parktheater Eindhoven

Visit for all the details and tickets.